Dark Cathedral, a Punk Rock Drag Cabaret at Sassafras Saloon
1 min read
LA’s Emo Heartthrob CHRISTIAN ROCK is taking the LA drag scene by storm…
Dark Cathedral – A Punk Rock Drag Show by Christian Rock, King of Hearts highlights expressing emotions of angst through the joy of community in these uncertain times while expanding the definition of what drag is. The performance and dance party will be at Sassafras Saloon in the Upstairs Space at 1233 Vine St. in Hollywood on January 31st. Doors: 8:30PM – Show: 9:30PM (2 Hours including Intermission) Dance Party till 2:00 AM!
Trans and Non-Binary coupon code for $10 off: urloved Coupon code $5 off for your group for bringing “someone unlikely to attend a Drag Show“: nostatusquo Find Dark Cathedral a queer punk cabaret on Instagram: @darkcathedralshow
Ticket Link: https://baldwinentertainment.ticketspice.com/dark-cathedral-king-of-hearts
Website: https://www.chloebaldwin.net/christianrockdrag