Written by Lisa Kenner Grissom, Directed by Hailey McAfee Award-winning playwright Lisa Kenner Grissom’s riveting dark comedy, here comes the...
“Politics is show bizness for ugly people” – Frank Zappa
A World Premiere at Dances With Films LA... The World Premiere of Jessica Boss’s directorial debut feature film, UNNAMED will...
"When lies start to kill, truth is the only serum" Los Angeles, CA ( June 25, 2024) South African Filmmaker...
Why are some people “expats” while others are “immigrants”? A poignant new play written and performed by Dominique Roberts and...
It's a lofty goal perhaps to read a book a week. A book-a-week challenge? Not likely with so little downtime...
80th Anniversary of D-Day with Veterans Short Stories A Night of Narrative Song: A Music Tribute to the 80th Anniversary...
During a weekend train trip with her wine and book club, Marie accidentally time travels to the 1940s, where she...
Loft Ensemble in North Hollywood presents the World Premiere of Power to the Queendom by ShaWanna Renee Rivon, Directed by...
In February 2023, SNAP benefits that were put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic, known as emergency allotments, ended nationwide,...