Directed by Jaime Robledo, Presented by Lightning Rod Theatre Company and Producer Paul Hoan Zeidler The world-premiere of Los Angeles...
Weekend plans? What to do, what to do on these hot August nights...we've got ideas . The unforgettable Bill Lynch...
Romance ~ Magic ~ Memories ~ Renewal | August 10 – 25 Write Act Repertory will present the World Premiere of...
THE POLYCULE: A COMEDY OF MANNERS By Jillian Blevinssummertime, an interlude by anielleo fontanoMRS. DILBER’S CHRISTMAS CAROL By Arthur M....
Written by Lisa Kenner Grissom, Directed by Hailey McAfee Award-winning playwright Lisa Kenner Grissom’s riveting dark comedy, here comes the...
June 28th - 30th RabbleRouse News takes a look around the city and decides whether to go out, or stay...
Weekend Plans? In this city of Angels we wish we could sprout wings so we could be everywhere and do...
Starring Michael Nardelli and Jennifer Gouchoe at Hollywood Fringe Festival 2024 Aleksandar Popovic (Starz Power) directs Michael Nardelli (American Crime Story)...
Dear Playwrights, a chance for your work to be presented as part of Stage Raw, PLAY LA & Greenway Court's...
WRITTEN AND PERFORMED BY FIELDING EDLOW, DIRECTED BY ASHLEY WARD Gaslighting is My Love Language, a new darkly comedic solo show, written and performed by Fielding...