We Want to See You at the 2024 Stage Raw Awards!
1 min read
Don’t you love Award Season? Do you miss hanging out on theatre sidewalks, laughing, carousing, imagining your next show, dancing and drinking with your friends and fellow thespians while practicing the art of seeing others? Los Angeles Stage Raw Awards are the last Awards bash of the season before Summer Stock. And there’s no dress code.
The Stage Raw Awards celebrate excellence in Los Angeles theatre productions and it is a critical fundraising event for them. The annual award show & fundraiser is the cornerstone in keeping the organization solvent. It enables them to pay writers, editors, designers, and website maintenance people. It keeps their ghost light on.
All award recipients are chosen by Stage Raw contributors and all productions being recognized have been reviewed by at least one Stage Raw contributor. Award winners are here.

The festivities are at the New Orleans themed mixology-focused Sassafras Saloon at 1233 Vine St. Hollywood, 90038.
Monday, May 6th
7:30 – 10pm
Bring your whole ensemble!
Guests under 21 are welcome and will be asked to wear a wrist band.
Complimentary hors d’oeuvres.
Cash bar.
And there’s no dress code.
*Special thanks to Steven Leigh Morris & Sandra Kuker PR for this article.