We are looking forward to the performance of Sea Levels Rising by dynamic duo Hibiscus TV on February 17th at...
“Art in Los Angeles is more than a deli in the valley.” – Unknown
A poem By Ralph Waldo Emerson Give to barrows, trays and pans Grace and glimmer of romance; Bring...
Patricia Rae is a Los Angeles based actress, artist, podcaster, foodie and dog enthusiast! Her creativity, sense of humor and lust...
"There are Heroes Everywhere." Los Angeles Actor & Photographer, Miguel Perez 2024 is off to a flying start for Los...
Artists Kaye Freeman and Amy Kaps are Los Angeles based, HIBISCUSTV ハイビスカステレビ On February 17, 2024 Hibiscus TV will perform...
Los Angeles Artist Melinda McLeod's one-of-a-kind work is inspired by the natural world, intentionally abstract and allegorical. Her passion echoes...