Directed by Jaime Robledo, Presented by Lightning Rod Theatre Company and Producer Paul Hoan Zeidler The world-premiere of Los Angeles...
Los Angeles
“Because San Diego isn’t.” – Unknown
The life and songs of Elvis Presley at The Write-off Room Joe Finkle & The 7-10 Splits will commemorate the 47th...
Celebrate the week at The Write-off Room in Studio City! Thursday, August 15, The Write-off Room in Studio City celebrates...
Weekend plans? What to do, what to do on these hot August nights...we've got ideas . The unforgettable Bill Lynch...
Mick Davis’ new film Trust in Love screens in Los Angeles at the Lumiere Cinema Beverly Hills and at theaters...
August 2nd is National Coloring Book Day so we'd like to share a few of our favorite coloring books with...
Robert Morgan Fisher Reviews this "Collaboration between kindred spirits" "Holy Matters,” the titular lead-off track, of Marlon Hoffman's new album,...
Dimitri Coats Berserk New Punk Rock Comedy Dimitri Coats new sci-fi rock-n-roll comedy, FREE LSD features Jack Black and screens...
It's the last weekend of July and we should celebrate. Don't you agree? Whether you go to a free concert,...
Recovery Advocate Network Podcast Coffee and Conversations! with Joshua Young features Patricia Rae, an award-winning actor, producer, humanitarian, painter, co-host...