Directed by Jaime Robledo, Presented by Lightning Rod Theatre Company and Producer Paul Hoan Zeidler The world-premiere of Los Angeles...
Dimitri Coats Berserk New Punk Rock Comedy Dimitri Coats new sci-fi rock-n-roll comedy, FREE LSD features Jack Black and screens...
THE POLYCULE: A COMEDY OF MANNERS By Jillian Blevinssummertime, an interlude by anielleo fontanoMRS. DILBER’S CHRISTMAS CAROL By Arthur M....
June 28th - 30th RabbleRouse News takes a look around the city and decides whether to go out, or stay...
Weekend Plans? It's summertime and there is a lot going on around town! If you need help deciding what to...
WRITTEN AND PERFORMED BY FIELDING EDLOW, DIRECTED BY ASHLEY WARD Gaslighting is My Love Language, a new darkly comedic solo show, written and performed by Fielding...