Now playing in Los Angeles at Laemmle NoHo 7, North Hollywood is the debut of the important feature documentary, Americans...
A World Premiere Play Presented by Loft Ensemble Loft Ensemble in North Hollywood kicks off their first mainstage production of...
THE POLYCULE: A COMEDY OF MANNERS By Jillian Blevinssummertime, an interlude by anielleo fontanoMRS. DILBER’S CHRISTMAS CAROL By Arthur M....
Write of Spring (2024) Write Act Repertory will premiere their inaugural Write of Spring (2024) with a perfect complement of five...
Jason Milligan’s hysterical play MEN IN SUITS will extend through May 5th at Playhouse West in North Hollywood. The dark...
During a weekend train trip with her wine and book club, Marie accidentally time travels to the 1940s, where she...
"TELLING OUR TRUTHS!" March 28th-31st at Theatre 68 Arts Complex in NoHo The Los Angeles Women's Theatre festival celebrates 31...