A World Premiere Play Presented by Loft Ensemble Loft Ensemble in North Hollywood kicks off their first mainstage production of...
Dennis Mashevsky announces a six performance run of Tony Award Winner, Itamar Moses witty rom-com COMPLETENESS at LA's newly renovated...
Opens Saturday, September 7th in The Rosalie Theatre Theatre 68 presents BROOKLYN’S WAY… A world premiere production by critically acclaimed...
The Colony Theatre Presents The Reel Red Entertainment Production Of The Civility Of Albert Cashier A New Musical | Book By...
Directed by Jaime Robledo, Presented by Lightning Rod Theatre Company and Producer Paul Hoan Zeidler The world-premiere of Los Angeles...
Weekend plans? What to do, what to do on these hot August nights...we've got ideas . The unforgettable Bill Lynch...
Romance ~ Magic ~ Memories ~ Renewal | August 10 – 25 Write Act Repertory will present the World Premiere of...
THE POLYCULE: A COMEDY OF MANNERS By Jillian Blevinssummertime, an interlude by anielleo fontanoMRS. DILBER’S CHRISTMAS CAROL By Arthur M....
Written by Lisa Kenner Grissom, Directed by Hailey McAfee Award-winning playwright Lisa Kenner Grissom’s riveting dark comedy, here comes the...
June 28th - 30th RabbleRouse News takes a look around the city and decides whether to go out, or stay...