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RabbleRouse Book-A-Week Challenge: June 8, 2024

1 min read

It’s a lofty goal perhaps to read a book a week. A book-a-week challenge? Not likely with so little downtime at RabbleRouse News, however why not forget the “challenge” and just make it a daily practice to read anything other than Self-help; Help yourself-to-it; or, How I helped-myself- to-it, books.

We have three books on our recommended list for this week. Poetry Comics by Grant Snider is part of our First Annual Summer Reading List, the Big Book of Fairies Coloring Book and the third was recommended to us recently, the New York Times Bestseller, Rashid Khalidi’s book “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine.”

*This post contains affiliate links and RabbleRouse News may receive a commission if you visit a link and buy a book on our recommendation. Purchasing via an affiliate link doesn’t cost you any extra, and we will only recommend books we like. All opinions are our own.