A belief in the possibility of betterment, justice, and human potential In this powerful and thought-provoking collection, Los Angeles /...
It's a lofty goal perhaps to read a book a week. A book-a-week challenge? Not likely with so little downtime...
First Annual RabbleRouse News Summer Reading List Hi, Henry Bookcase here. Recently RabbleRouse asked me if I would put together...
Mother’s love My mother loved our magnolia tree And a Japanese maple Because she loved them I love them Because...
Los Angeles Winds blowing with dragon’s breath throughout the basin Palm trees sizzle as the force of humidity rises People...
Then It’s a Rose. Bus Stations in Thoroughbred Convent. Good Windows to see what's alive. I’ve grown up into the...
Grizzly on My Back It’s gnawing again. It sneaks up on me. Right when I’m doing something mundane, Or something...
“Indigo Blue” You were my indigo blue, The space where I could lean in, put my head down, prop my...
A poem By Ralph Waldo Emerson Give to barrows, trays and pans Grace and glimmer of romance; Bring...